Crosshair, configuration, keybinds, sensitivity, and more

Hunter "SicK" Mims is a professional American Valorant player who currently represents the North American organization Sentinels. He will compete as their sixth player for the upcoming VCT 2023 season.

Hunter "SicK" Mims is a professional American Valorant player who currently represents the North American organization Sentinels. He will compete as their sixth player for the upcoming VCT 2023 season.

Having joined the organization back in April 2020, SicK has become the longest-standing player on Sentinels' Valorant roster. Furthermore, he's currently the only member of the original roster to be included in the team for the first-ever season of the VCT Americas League.

Over the last two years, SicK has been one of Sentinels' most consistent players. Known to thrive as a Duelist, Hunter is an exceptional talent who is capable of playing all Agent classes, with his Agent pool stretching to over 10 different Agents.

Everything to know about Sentinels SicK's Valorant settings and configurations in 2022

Similar to several Valorant pros from North America, SicK has his origins in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. He entered CS: GO's professional scene in early 2015, and represented various organizations like TSM, Misfits, and compLexity until his retirement in April 2020.

Immediately after his CS: GO retirement, SicK was announced as part of Sentinels' inaugural Valorant roster. His innate ability to clutch and his versatility have led to countless victories for the organization, including title wins at the VCT 2021: North America Stage 1 Masters and VCT 2021: Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavik.

Despite being one of Sentinels' most reputed players, SicK took a hiatus from competitive Valorant due to unknown personal reasons. After five months of inactivity, Sentinels has finally announced his return, revealing him as the team's sixth man for the upcoming VCT season.

In this article, players can find the various in-game settings and configurations used by SicK in his career as a pro Valorant player for Sentinels.

Note: This data has been procured from

Mouse settings

  • DPI: 800
  • Sensitivity: 0.235
  • eDPI: 188
  • Zoom Sensitivity: 1
  • Hz: 1000
  • Windows Sensitivity: 6
  • Raw Input Buffer: On



  • Color: Green
  • Crosshair Color: #00FF00
  • Outlines: On
  • Outline Opacity: 1
  • Outline Thickness: 1
  • Center Dot: Off

Inner Lines

  • Show Inner Lines: On
  • Inner Line Opacity: 1
  • Inner Line Length: 3
  • Inner Line Thickness: 2
  • Inner Line Offset: 5
  • Movement Error: Off
  • Firing Error: Off

Outer Lines

  • Show Outer Lines: On
  • Outer Line Opacity: 0.379
  • Outer Line Length: 2
  • Outer Line Thickness: 0
  • Outer Line Offset: 10
  • Movement Error: Off
  • Firing Error: Off


  • Walk: L-Shift
  • Crouch: L-Ctrl
  • Jump: Space Bar
  • Use Object: F
  • Equip Primary Weapon: 1
  • Equip Secondary Weapon: 2
  • Equip Melee Weapon: 3
  • Equip Spike: 4
  • Use/Equip Ability 1: E
  • Use/Equip Ability 2: Mouse 4
  • Use/Equip Ability 3: C
  • Use/Equip Ability (Ultimate): X

Map settings

  • Rotate: Rotate
  • Fixed Orientation: Based On Side
  • Keep Player Centered: Off
  • Minimap Size: 1.1
  • Minimap Zoom: 0.9
  • Minimap Vision Cones: On
  • Show Map Region Names: Always

Video settings


  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Aspect Ratio Method: Fill
  • Display Mode: Fullscreen

Graphics Quality

  • Multithreaded Rendering: On
  • Material Quality: Low
  • Texture Quality: Low
  • Detail Quality: Low
  • UI Quality: Low
  • Vignette: Off
  • VSync: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing: None
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 1x
  • Improve Clarity: Off
  • Experimental Sharpening: Unknown
  • Bloom: Off
  • Distortion: Off
  • Cast Shadows: Off


  • Enemy Highlight Color: Unknown


  • Monitor: ZOWIE XL2546
  • Mouse: Logitech G900
  • Mousepad: Logitech G640
  • Keyboard: HyperX Alloy FPS Pro
  • Headset: HyperX Cloud II

PC Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K
  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080

By adopting some of the specific in-game settings and configurations used by SicK and by dedicating the required time and effort, players can aim to replicate his success as a Valorant pro.

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