Rory Mcllroy has been in spectacular form this season. In June, he successfully defended his RBC Canadian Open title. Shortly after, he went on to win his third PGA Tour Championship, surpassing Tiger Woods' record and pocketing a surplus of $18 million last month.
Rory's talent is undeniable, as evidenced by his career wins. A caddie plays an important role in any golfer's success, so let's get to know Rory McIlroy's caddie.
Who is Rory Mcllroy's Caddie?
Rory McIlroy's caddie is Harry Diamond. However, Niall O’Connor, a former rugby player, filled in as McIlroy defended his Canadian Open title since Diamond and his wife were expecting their second child. Diamond returned to the bag immediately.
The two have been friends since Rory was 7 and Harry was 12, having met at the Hollywood Golf Club and have stayed friends ever since. Harry himself was an exceptional golfer. He started caddying for Rory in August 2017, after Rory ended a nine-year partnership with JP Fitzgerald. Notably, he has won four of his five major championships with Fitzgerald. This included his 2011 US Open title; his two PGA Championship wins in 2012 and 2014; and his 2014 Open Championship title.
One reason for hiring Diamond was the experience he possessed as a golfer. Ever since they teamed up, they have won seven wins and two Rhyder Cups, but their friendship goes back to their junior days when both were outstanding golfers representing Ireland. Diamond won the West of Ireland Championship, which earned him a spot at the Irish Open that year.
Along with being on McIlroy's bag, Diamond was the best man at McIlroy's wedding in 2017. McIlroy considers Harry his older brother and they share a very close relationship.
Rory Mcllroy had once said,
"I was an only child and Harry was a big brother. We’re very close. I love having him on the bag. I’m a different person. And I’m never going to give him sh** even if something goes wrong. It would not be worth it."For several years now, the duo has missed out on a major as Rory hasn't won a major since 2014.
How much does Harry Diamond earn?
A caddie's earnings depend on the player's performance. There's no doubt that McIlroy is one of the best players in the world. He is currently world number 3 as per the official world golf rankings, behind Cameron Smith and Scottie Scheffler.
Usually, most tour players pay 5% of their earnings if they finish outside the top 10, 7% if they finish within the top 10, and 10% if the player finishes in the first place. Since Rory Mcllroy won the FedEx Cup in 2022, winning a massive amount of $18 million, Diamond would have made $1.8 million after the tournament. Therefore, Diamond's earnings depend on Rory's performance.
What's next for Rory Mcllroy?
After a stunning comeback performance at the FedEx Cup, Rory Mcllroy will return to Europe to participate in several DP World Tour events before playing at the BMW PGA Championship and Italian Open in September. With Rory's form this season, the duo will look forward to winning their first major together this year.
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