The latest Fortnite update v23.20 was dropped yesterday and brought along a new set of quests for players to complete and gain XP to level up their Battle Pass. Alongside these quests, players also received five new Augments, Falcon Scout items, and the return of the Deku's Smash Mythic item.
Ever since the conclusion of Winterfest 2022, loopers have been eagerly waiting for a major update like this one and now that it's here, they are looking forward to progressing through the season's storyline. When they landed on the new island for the very first time, AMIE, The Seven's AI took players through the latest Augmentation system as well as introduced them to Oathbound Quests and new elements like Kinetic Ore spread across the island.
With these quests coming to an end, the second part of the Oathbound Quests have now arrived, with Rift Warden Stellan requiring the help of loopers to complete his task of creating Rift Gates, as demanded by The Ageless Champion. Considering that he's a new character, AMIE warns players about his intentions as he seeks the help of loopers to test out his new technology.
As they progress through these quests and complete the first two phases of the new Oathbound Quests in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, the third phase requires them to make contact with AMIE at a Hologram Brazier to complete Stage 1 of the new questline. Here's how you can do so.
Fortnite Oathbound Quest Part 2 Stage 1 guide: Make contact with AMIE at a Hologram Brazier
Hologram Braziers are a new way to communicate with characters in the new questline that sets the lore of Fortnite Chapter 4. Once players have finished setting up Cosmic Monitors and Calibrating Stellan's Signal Tech, they will need to make contact with The Seven's AI, AMIE, at a Hologram Brazier to test out this new tech.
To complete Stage 1 of the third phase of Oathbound Quests in Fortnite, follow these steps:
1) Head to the Oathbound Quests Tab to locate the Hologram Brazier on the map
To locate the Hologram Braziers, you will first need to head to the Quests tab in the Fortnite Menu and click on Oathbound Quests to expand the map. Once you do so, click on the quest and navigate to the right where the marked locations will show you where the Hologram Braziers are placed. Mark the location on the Fortnite map before you jump out of the Battle Bus and drop to locate the Brazier.
2) Interact with the Hologram Brazier on the ground
Once you land near the Brazier, make sure to grab a weapon so that you can defend yourselves from any enemies nearby who might try to eliminate you. As soon as you feel you're safe, head towards the Hologram Brazier on the ground and interact with it.
3) Listen to AMIE's instructions to progress to the next stage of the Oathbound Quests
Now that you have interacted with the Hologram Brazier, you will receive 20,000 XP in Fortnite and Stage 2 of the Oatbound Quests will appear on the left side of your screen. You can also open your Quests tab to navigate to the location of the following items to complete this quest. Additionally, AMIE will speak to you and warn you about the Rift Warden Stellan's plans, as they are suspicious of his motives and will task you to test out his Rift tech.
While the current medieval theme of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 is still a mystery to some players, it seems like The Ageless Champion is opening a gateway to new realities. As Oathbound Quests continue to progress every couple of weeks, loopers will slowly unravel the true motives of the medieval character on the island.
The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!
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