"I hit like 260 brotha"

It looks like Jake Paul is tired of fitness influencer Bradley Martyn calling out legitimate fighters from the safety of his podcast booth. Earlier this year, Martyn proclaimed that he would destroy undisputed lightweight champion boxer Devin Haney in a street fight. In a subsequent interview with Nate Diaz, the YouTuber further insinuated he could

It looks like Jake Paul is tired of fitness influencer Bradley Martyn calling out legitimate fighters from the safety of his podcast booth.

Earlier this year, Martyn proclaimed that he would destroy undisputed lightweight champion boxer Devin Haney in a street fight. In a subsequent interview with Nate Diaz, the YouTuber further insinuated he could take on the ex-UFC fighter on the streets.

In a recent video posted to Betr's Twitter handle, 'The Problem Child' put the fitness influencer's confidence to the test. Paul offered Martyn a seven-figure payday to take on former UFC star Mike Perry in a street fight.

Catch Jake Paul's comments below:

The lucrative offer seems to have caught Perry's attention, and the BKFC star readily accepted Paul's offer in a callout to Martyn. He wrote:

"I accept@BradleyMartyn, I’m 180, but I hit like 260 brotha, accept the offer, and I’ll see you in Saudi Arabia alhumdulla. 💪"

Mike Perry holds an MMA record of 14-8 and has wins against elite competitors like Paul Felder and Alex Oliveira. Furthermore, he is undefeated in bare-knuckle boxing (3-0). In contrast, Martin is yet to step in the ring or the octagon in a professional capacity.

"I'm damn near having Coachella in his head": Jake Paul believes his mind games have got to Nate Diaz

Earlier today, Jake Paul and Nate Diaz met up for a final face-off before their boxing clash on Saturday. Complete with fiery words, a sneaky kick, and an on-stage brawl, the face-off was a fight fan's dream.

However, Paul seems to think his mind games are affecting the former UFC star. During an interview with The Schmo backstage after the pre-fight event, the social media star said:

"Man, he's hurt, I hurt his feelings. He is scared, he is running away, he is lashing out. I'm in his head, I'm soo deep in his head, and it's so much fun. I'm bouncing around in his head just having a playground picnic festival. I'm damn near having Coachella in his head. It's f*****g crazy."

Catch Jake Paul's comments below (0:29):

Although Diaz has an extensive MMA resume (21-13), Saturday night will be the first time he'll lace up his gloves as a professional boxer. Meanwhile, Paul holds a pro boxing record of 6-1, with wins against UFC legends like Anderson Silva and Tyron Woodley.

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