Is Kevin Durant married? Taking a closer look at the personal life of the Suns star

Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Durant has managed to keep his personal life private. While many fans are curious about his marital status, it is safe to say that the Suns star remains unmarried. Durant has practically dedicated his life to basketball. In the process of doing so, Durant has become one of the most lethal

Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Durant has managed to keep his personal life private. While many fans are curious about his marital status, it is safe to say that the Suns star remains unmarried.

Durant has practically dedicated his life to basketball. In the process of doing so, Durant has become one of the most lethal offensive players in the history of the game. However, this has also seen Durant pay less attention to his personal life.

At the age of 34, KD is currently unmarried. To top it off, he may not even have a partner at this point in time.

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Although he is outspoken and tends to speak his mind in interviews, he has not revealed anything about his personal life.

Durant was close to getting married back in 2013 when he was still with the OKC Thunder. The 24-year old Durant was engaged to former WNBA player Monica Wright. Unfortunately, the engagement fell through as the couple decided to part ways.

Durant's last known girlfriend was Cassandra Anderson, whom the star was seen with in 2018. While they were seen publicly at the time, there has been no indication regarding the current status of their relationship.

Kevin Durant attempts to lead Phoenix to an NBA title

Kevin Durant practically rocked the league when he made the decision to return to the Western Conference and join the Phoenix Suns. Durant hopes to add to his legacy by combining forces with the likes of Devin Booker and Chris Paul.

The Suns were already considered a top-tier contender for the title, but Durant's addition has elevated their offensive potential to new heights. By adding one of the most gifted scorers in NBA history, Phoenix has become an offensive juggernaut of unparalleled proportions.

However, some fans have criticized Durant for joining Phoenix, suggesting that he is simply "ring-hunting." Despite this, Durant has stated that he is not bothered by media opinion.

As things stand, Durant is hoping to lead the Suns past the LA Clippers in the first-round of the playoffs. With a 3-1 series lead, Phoenix are attempting to close out the series at home.

Check This Out: Kevin Durant on his retirement: "A title is incredible, but what it's going to mean to me as an individual?”

Expectations from Kevin Durant in the 2023-24 NBA season

In the 47 games that Kevin Durant played in the 2022-23 NBA season, he managed to average 29.1 points, 6.7 rebounds, and 5.0 assists on 56% shooting per contest. Durant got traded to the Phoenix Suns near the end of the season, and the Phoenix Suns were bounced out of the second round of the playoffs.

In the upcoming 2023-24 NBA season, with the addition of Bradley Beal to the team, the Phoenix Suns are expected to make some noise in the Western Conference. Kevin Durant needs to have another All-Star-caliber year and take this Suns team over the hump.

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