Zion would already be in Zionas DMs

The age of AI is fast approaching as female images of players like LeBron James, Steph Curry and other stars have emerged, surprising many fans. Following the post of the female versions of NBA stars, fans had a ton of fun with the AI-generated images online.

The age of AI is fast approaching as female images of players like LeBron James, Steph Curry and other stars have emerged, surprising many fans. Following the post of the female versions of NBA stars, fans had a ton of fun with the AI-generated images online.

People are maximizing the use of artificial intelligence nowadays, but it's mostly used for creating something funny. The creators of the female versions of NBA players compared the look of the stars to their actual image. After the results were posted, they went viral, and most saw them as hilarious.

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Other than LeBron and Steph, players like Zion Williamson, Kawhi Leonard and Nikola Jokic were added to the mix.

Fans shared their hilarious thoughts on the female versions of each star. Here are some of the best reactions.

If people use AI with these kinds of edits, it wouldn't be terrible as they provide a good laugh to most of the people who get to see it. Hopefully, in the next edition of female versions of NBA stars, there will be more stars added.

You might also be interested in reading this: When LeBron James received backlash from Jason Whitlock for censuring Elon Musk for surge of racial slur on Twitter: "He dropped the N-word on HBO"

LeBron James could be the first player to score 40,000 career points in the NBA

LeBron James

Last season, LeBron James surpassed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all-time scoring king. Scoring more than the LA Lakers center was long deemed impossible. However, with James' longevity and talent, the record was broken by the four-time champion in his 20th season.

Next season, he's set to make another record in scoring. With 38,652 points, LeBron is only 1,348 away from scoring 40,000, which will be a club all to himself.

His close friend, Chris Paul, predicted in 2018 that LeBron has the chance to score at least 40,000 points.

"To be Bron's 15th season," Paul said in 2018. "He already hit 30,000. He shows no signs of slowing down. So, congrats to him. But we're gonna say this again when he gets to 40. Just remember I said that. "He gon' get somewhere up there. I think he's be No. 1 by the time it's all said and done."

We might see CP3's prediction come to fruition next season. With James not slowing down drastically last season, people could see a similar type of production from him in his 21st campaign.

Also read: LeBron James ecstatic at his agent Rich Paul getting his new shoe and apparel line - "Beautiful my brother!!!"

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